Infant Nursery

We have a simple goal for any preschool age children that walk through our doors. Provide them with a safe and fun environment in our nurseries so that the rest of the family can relax and focus on their relationship with Jesus. These nurseries are available Sunday mornings at 10:45!

Our Infant Nursery is located in the Gym and features a safe environment with plenty of adult supervision to keep your child safe while you participate in the service. If it's your first time, try to arrive a little early so we can check your child in.

Pre-School Nursery

If you're facing the stage in the Sanctuary, our Pre-School Nursery is located in the hallway to the right, or you can follow the signs. Our Pre-School Nursery is a safe environment where kids can discover the Bible and God while having fun! Each week features a lesson, singing & dancing, and crafts. Want to continue the lesson at home, or check it out for yourself? Click this link, or follow our Facebook Page: TCC Youth & Children's Ministries for helpful resources!