What We Believe

(in a nutshell)

We are a part of the Restoration Movement, which means "we believe we are Christians only, but not the only Christians", and "in essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things love."

You won't find lengthy doctrines spelled out around here. 

We don't claim any denomination. 

We don't push any creeds. 

However, we do ascribe to the essential doctrines the New Testament teachesBelow is a brief summary of those teachings.  Beyond them, we teach liberty in love as we each pursue a deeper and stronger understanding of God as He has made Himself known. 

If you want more information, please reach out to us through this link.

Essential doctrines

We believe that Jesus of Nazareth, as described in the New Testament, is the Son of the Living God, one third of the Trinity, fully human and fully God, without beginning or end.

We believe in the 66 books of the Bible as God's divinely inspired and revealed messages to humanity.

We believe Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was buried, and three days later rose from the grave, defeating sin and death once and for all. 40 days later he ascended to Heaven where he is preparing a place for those who follow Him. One day He will return.

We believe there will be a day of judgement in which those who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus will be judged to reward and those who are not will be judged to eternal justice in Hell.

We believe accepting Jesus as King and Savior is the only path to salvation.

We believe God's great rescue plan will culminate in God's people living in the place He created for them in His presence.

We believe we are saved by grace through faith, not of our own efforts, but as the free gift of God.

We believe salvation is the prerequisite to what God has for us, not the finish line. As a result, we believe it is every Christian's responsibility to lead people to Jesus, and help them grow spiritually, as they continue to grow spiritually.

We believe being a disciple of Jesus isn't optional.

We believe in a grace no one can earn, but is freely offered to everyone.

We believe God loves everyone just as they are, but too much to leave them that way.

We believe as Jesus loves us, we must love one another likewise.

We believe in passionate obedience of Jesus's commands.

We believe faith without works is dead.